Getting The Most From Your Enlightened Leadership Journey

Welcome to InSatori!

As a leader committed to creating a better world, this guide is designed to maximize your coaching experience and transformative results.

1. Be Open to Learning and Unlearning

Being Open: Be open to new ideas, insights, the unknown, willing to unlearn and to reassess and release past knowledge and experiences. As an Enlightened Leader, embracing this principle enables you to engage with opportunities and challenges with new insights, fresh perspectives, and innovative approaches.

2. Willingness to Experiment

Trying New Approaches: Step beyond conventional wisdom and tried methods. Be bold in experimenting with unorthodox strategies and novel ideas. These experiments often are the key to breakthroughs and extraordinary achievements in your Enlightened Leadership journey.

3. Understand Growth Occurs Continuously

Reflecting and Applying: Growth is an ongoing process. Consistently integrating insights from your coaching sessions/journey into your leadership practice fosters a dynamic and evolving leadership style. View coaching as a part of a lifelong learning process, where the skills, insights, and wisdom gained will be valuable to future challenges and opportunities.

4. Focus on Creating the Future

Looking Forward, Not Back: Concentrate on crafting an extraordinary future. Shift your focus from the past to future possibilities. This forward-thinking approach is fundamental to leading transformative changes in you, your team, and the world at large.

5. Keep an Insight Journal

Documenting Your Journey: Use a journal to capture insights, realizations, inspirations, discoveries, and new possibilities/opportunities/directions. This practice helps in solidifying insights and serves as a guide for your evolving Enlightened Leadership journey. Engaging in regular reflection about what is being seen, heard, felt, experienced, and learned in your coaching sessions will deepen self-awareness and insight, leading to more profound growth.

6. Feedback Reception

Receiving feedback: Being open to receiving feedback, even when it’s challenging, and using it constructively to foster personal and professional development is key. Openly receiving feedback from your coaching team is an opportunity to open new vistas and to ignite the magic of your vision

7. Integration – Taking Time

Taking Time to Integrate: Take time to consciously integrate what you saw in each InSatori session and to process new insights. Enlightened Leadership is primarily a beingness and actions will naturally flow from the relaxed, open, and curious state that comes from taking time to integrate what you saw. We are insight coaches, supporting you in raising your consciousness through insights. This requires investing space and time. 
Schedule time in your calendar for integration on a daily basis. For instance, leaving your phone at home or the office, and going for walk for fifteen minutes. Start or end your day by sitting for 5 or 10 minutes while doing nothing whatsoever, just being.

8. Stay Connected with Your Coaching Team

Maintaining Open Communication: Engaging deeply and openly with your coaching team and sharing your experiences are fundamental to the coaching process and ensures alignment with your personal and professional aspirations. Having a strong relationship built on openness, trust, respect, and love creates a sacred relationship between you and your coaching team which is vital to the success of your coaching journey.

9. Commit Wholeheartedly

Being All-In: Being committed and an active participant in your coaching journey is absolutely imperative! Share your accomplishments, not-workings, vision, and challenges candidly. This level of engagement is crucial for deep transformation and effective leadership. Being open and honest with your coaching team about your experiences, thoughts, & feelings is essential. This transparency allows your coaches to tailor the approach and provide the most relevant and personalized guidance. You need to be an active participant in the coaching process, pro-actively engaging in sessions, doing the experiments whole heartedly, and reflecting on any feedback.

10. Responsibility and Accountability

Taking Responsibility: While the coaches provide guidance, feedback, and support, it is up to you to be responsible for your growth and honor that you are the one responsible and accountable for whatever you create or do not create on your coaching journey.

11. Deeply Connected to Wisdom

Trusting Beyond Knowingness: Enlightened Leadership is a multidimensional way of operating. It includes intuition, insight, inspiration, connection to universal wisdom, and deeply understanding how the human operating system works. Being an Enlightened Leader means being guided and operating from universal wisdom, creating from joy and inspiration while understanding our human operating system

12. Believe in Miracles

Expecting the Unexpected: Be open to the miraculous. The journey of transformation brings unexpected revelations and results. Embracing this possibility can inspire you to achieve what once seemed impossible, leading to profound change and impact.


Conclusion At InSatori, we are passionately committed to guiding you towards embodying the essence of Enlightened Leadership, infused with deep wisdom and boundless joy. By embracing the above principles, you will embark on a leadership journey that shines with love, wisdom, joy, happiness, and connection, exponentially increasing your capacity to enrich the world around us, expanding your impact in making the world a better place.