
See what people have to say about the InSatori Team

Highly Recommended!

I’m processing at great speed and seeing instant results! You are arming me with new building blocks and an even better understanding of the ones I already have.

Keir Dillon


Enormous Impact

The “Opportunity” story had a much bigger vision and impact that could provide me with a purpose for my business life that was bigger than just making money for money’s sake. . . I just love the combination of a good working model of business principles that has such an enormous impact with clients.

Allan English

CEO & 2006 Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year – Silver Chef Australia


The unique … model is able to pull you around and over obstacles when you think
there is no way to get beyond them. O
ur organization now runs much more efficiently,
more profitably, and with an underlying single-minded 
goal of success. This has proved invaluable.

Mark Stenholm

Director of Worldwide Sales – DB Design Group, Inc.

I Was Transformed!

Georg’s intelligence, his warmth, his understanding, his ability to connect with me almost instantly sold me. Not only was I transformed into this person now who can tap into his intuition more readily – I can now use it to the work I do on a daily basis. He knows exactly what he is doing.

Bob Russo

Coach and Former Executive at IBM


It was absolutely extraordinary to spend time together. I can only recommend this experience to everybody who is interested to getting to know the amazingly interesting world of our inner world. I am very grateful for this experience.

Jan Henrik Hansen


Strongly Recommend!

As much as I appreciate John’s business and technical acumen, what I appreciate even more is his personable, down-to-earth manner. If you’re looking for a harsh taskmaster, keep looking. But if you’re interested in someone who will guide you toward your goals with respect and a highly positive approach, I can’t think of anyone who does it better.

In short, if you are seeking help meeting your business or creative objectives, I strongly recommend you avail yourself of his considerable expertise. I can’t imagine that you would ever regret it.

Kevin Thorson


Wonderful Presence!

Thank you, dear Marlene, for your wonderful presence. I always felt fully accepted, even celebrated, in the space that was created through you and with you. It brought out things that I would never have believed were inside me. It felt like I was growing wings. And I always left the sessions with you feeling lighter, brighter, more peaceful. Thank you.

Bettina Ramm

Founder and CEO, WEB-Grips